Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Faulty Cooker Top Tip

If your cooker suddenly stops working, before calling out a cooker repairman, check to make sure you've not accidently switched it on to the timer setting (which is easily done with older cookers, especially a Hygena Turbo De Lux if you use the switch as a place to hang your oven gloves).

This could save you the pleasure of being charged (£30 in my case) for making a complete idiot out of yourself!

Sunday, 27 September 2009

What's in a name...

Welcome to my blog.

It was going to be called Arch Stanton's Blog, but maybe I was being a bit naive to think that the name on the grave next to where the gold is buried in the climax to The Good, The Bad and The Ugly would be available to use for the address.

As I wanted to keep this blog anonymous (it's bad enough writing a load of waffle let alone having it be attributable to me) I thought the chances of this name being taken, one that for some strange reason or other had stuck in my memory, would be slim. Think again ...

That's the problem with the Internet having a global user base - what you believe to be improbable normally turns out to be highly likely. Though on the flip side, there is a chance that amongst all the waffle, somebody, somewhere, might find something that I write on here of interest.

Oh well, I had to resort to nicking one of the ship names from an Iain M. Banks novel instead...

(readers may have already come to the conclusion that I err on the side of geekishness - hope this doesn't put you off)